Are You Loving Your Partner As Well As You Could Be?

Are you loving your partner as well as you could be? Are you a good partner? How would you know? This is a place where we all differ, so its difficult to say what a good partner is. It also matters who your partner is and what is most important to them in a relationship.


Often times we put unfair expectations on our partners as well as on the idea of love itself. We look to it as if it is some sort of fix all. That is a selfish approach to love and when it comes to love, there is no room for selfish intent. Instead of asking what you are getting out of this relationship, ask what you are doing for this relationship? How can you go out of your way to create a happy life for your lover?


Consider these rules that dictate whether you are loving your partner as well as you could be.


1. You support them.

What is important to your spouse? If it’s work, a tv show, crafting from wood; or whatever you fill in the blank, when you make it a priority to support that and your partner, that is a sign you’re a loving spouse.


2. You don’t constantly criticize them.

How often do you criticize your partner and what about? If you are a critical person and go out of your way to tear your partner down, even by accident then that’s a red flag that you might not be loving as good as you could or should.


3. You keep the jealousy at bay.

When the great monster rears its head, do you keep it at bay? If not you are probably not loving your partner as well as you should. There is no place for jealousy in a truly loving relationship. Jealousy is called the green monster for a reason. It is incredibly destructive in all matters of love.


4. You allow them to have a life too.

Loving someone doesn’t mean you need to possess them every day of every hour. Loving them means you give them ample opportunity to do the things that make them and you who YOU are. If you are not allowing your partner the space they need to be themselves, it’s time to rethink your loving attitude.


5. You’re honest with them.

This sounds like an obvious truth, but be honest with yourself. In what ways are you not being honest with your spouse? If there are areas that you haven’t been completely honest with your spouse about, you are definitely not loving the way you should be.


Part of love is opening your self and emotions up to being vulnerable enough to let the other person in. If you want to love your partner better, then you must make this sacrifice. A foundation isn’t built on sand, it’s built on integrity, honesty, truth, and selflessness.


Sound familiar? If you feel you need to love your spouse better after this article, stay tuned to learn how to make this a reality.

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