How To Invite Love Into Your Life

Ready Yourself For Love

There are all kinds of reasons why you may not be in a romantic relationship. Maybe you just got out of a relationship. Maybe you are still healing. There may be times in your life when you just want to be on your own for a while. Maybe you’d like to delve into your work, focus on yourself and enjoy life solo. However, when you return to thoughts of wanting to be in love again, it’s important to be in the proper frame of mind to invite love back into your life.


Please consider the following suggestions to ready yourself for love:


  1. Let go of old resentments and hurts. You can only be accepting of the warm feelings love brings if you’ve done away with simmering resentments and aching hurts. Otherwise, they’ll keep bubbling up to the surface and “boil away” other positive and healthy feelings. They will also get in the way of someone coming into or staying in your life. You have to heal and let go of the past in order for the present and the future to work out.


  1. Cultivate a positive mindset and body image. When you feel good about how you look and feel physically, you behave more openly toward others. Those feelings of self-assurance will encourage the flow of abundance and love. Truly loving who you are and your physical appearance tells the Universe that you are ready for someone to love you just how you are. Keeping this positive mindset about loving exactly who you are, keeps the joy flowing.


  1. Love yourself. Loving yourself makes you a more lovable person in the eyes of others. Although it’s admittedly a bit of a cliché, if you expect others to love you, you must first do so yourself. So, dig deep to get in touch with all the things you like about yourself.
    • Traits you like about yourself might include things such as: your smooth skin, your caring nature, your willingness to help others, or your incredible resolve to improve yourself each day, your willingness to explore new ideas and opinions. Find your unique characteristics that bring joy and comfort to you and to others and continue to nourish them.


  1. Open yourself up to new people. If you tend to hang out only with people you already know, now is the time for a change. To invite love in, you’ve got to open the door. When you psychologically open up to new people, you open yourself up to love.
    • Attend a book discussion group at the library
    • Let your neighbor introduce you to his cousin
    • Try visiting new cafes, restaurants, and community centers
    • Drop into neighborhood gatherings and parties you wouldn’t normally attend
  1. Know your worth. When you discover everything you love about yourself, you’ll become more aware of your value as a human being. Whether you cherish just one thing about yourself or a hundred, you will begin to feel worthy. And when you truly accept your own value, love will find you, even if it means that you finally find yourself through the self-love process. And that…is a beautiful love story.


  1. Cultivate a peaceful existence. Living a life of serenity and peace will draw people to you. When your days are free from drama and emotional chaos, you demonstrate that you can handle whatever life sends your way. Seek out activities and strategies that aid you in maintaining a deep sense of serenity and calm.
    • Whether you do yoga, meditation, visualization, positive affirmations, practice mindfulness, practice gratitude, or some other serenity practice, cultivating tranquility will show that you can handle new relationships.


You have the power to welcome love back into your life. When you let go of old hurts, open up to new people, and know your own worth, you’ll be ready and willing to truly enjoy a new relationship.

Take the leap and invite love into your life and heart!

I would love to work with you. If you are wanting to explore Heart Space Sessions, take a look at my Work With Me page here at

Here’s to being your best self and finding the love you deserve from yourself and someone else.

~Heidi, your Heart Space Life Coach


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©Love Wide Open

Facebook Comments
  1. Patience Sizani says

    This information is vrry valuable. I am going to share with Peers and those that i mentor. Thank you!

    1. Heidi Dellaire says

      I am glad that you found it helpful. Have a great day.

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