Her Alchemical Heart

Painting by Mladen Stankovic
Painting by Mladen Stankovic


Her Alchemical Heart

She has no idea the beauty of the silver that shines like flowing rivers throughout her heart.

The shrapnel melted over the years to create lines and beautiful highways of road art.
These are not scars or wounds anymore.
They have woven their way to being transformed into reinforcement and expansion; rivers and oceans of silver in her red pounding heart.

Alchemy has taken over and mixed the two elements together. Blood and silver combine to form a radiant, glowing orange flame that flickers and flits with speckles of green fanning it from below.
An alchemical blend of darkness and light.
Love lives here in her expanding heart, growing with each silvery shard.

by  Heidi Dellaire

©2017  Love Wide Open


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